Hy guys... everybody must be change. young, old, child, women, men... Everyone need the others, because we are social human being, so that we have to enlarge our knowledge, networking and of course make some better changes together.. Do you know about YES guys? YES is stand for youth Engagement Summit. it will be held in Kualalumpur next November, and there are I will explain you a little bit more. Source: http://blog.youthsays.com/seachange/2009/09/30/yes2009-the-trip/ How often can you get the co-founder of Twitter, the founder of Live8, a Bollywood star and a plane crash survivor under one roof? The Youth Engagement Summit 2009 will be held for the first time right here in Malaysia. We’re giving you a chance to join Biz Stone, Sir Bob Geldof, Amitabh Bachchan, Nando Parrado and many more for two amazing days. On top of that, we’re giving you a free trip – and an experience which may change your life. DAY 1, Evening – Touchdown @ LCC-T, Sepang YOUR DESTINATION: MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur ...