Dear matess, declare your stuff Before going abroad, you need to understand specific regulations which are applied in a country. Okay, I am going to tell you about what you need to prepare if you are going to visit or even stay in Australia. especially in a long time, not only on holidays. Okay, let me think what I need to explain first. Australia applies very strict regulations regarding visitors coming to this continental country. Take for example your health matter. As usual, if we want to go overseas, we need to issue the Visa first. In order to get this visa, we also need to check our health. if we have diseases such as TB or HIV we will not receive our visa. so, make sure that you are fully healthy (physically or mentally) yaa :D. furthermore, about the things that are important for you to bring: : medicine (with or WITHOUT doctor Prescriptions are OKAY) as long as you declare it. How to declare your goods? Okay, I will explain this in different paragraph (below)....