Letter for my Little Sister…
Letter for my Little Sister… Original by : SRI HINDRIYASTUTI Hi… My Little Sister Honestly… First time when I read your letter… It seems I looked at my self Some years Ago… I don’t know exactly about your problems But, I can understand well about your feeling If you wanna cry… Just let your tears falling down… Don’t arrest it in your eyes.. It just made your heart full of burden Some Years ago… I felt that I was alone And thought that no one knows about me.. Caring me… Loving me… Everything has changes When I found one thing… The simple word That always makes me realize That Life is beautiful.. Live is Challenges And we must keep fighting What is that? It is about “GIVING” When we wanna cry because of problems.. And Complain about our burden.. Try to “giving” a trust To our friends.. As someone who can believed Share with her.. about our feeling Sometime… We 4get… When we asked God to solve our problems.. WE forget… To GIVE a h...