Letter for my Little Sister…

Letter for my Little Sister…

My Little Sister
First time when I read your letter…
It seems I looked at my self
Some years Ago…

I don’t know exactly about your problems
But, I can understand well about your feeling

If you wanna cry…
Just let your tears falling down…
Don’t arrest it in your eyes..
It just made your heart full of burden

Some Years ago…
I felt that I was alone
And thought that no one knows about me..
Caring me…
Loving me…

Everything has changes
When I found one thing…
The simple word
That always makes me realize
That Life is beautiful..
Live is Challenges
And we must keep fighting

What is that?

It is about

When we wanna cry because of problems..
And Complain about our burden..
Try to “giving” a trust
To our friends..
As someone who can believed
Share with her.. about our feeling

We 4get…

When we asked God to solve our problems..
WE forget…
To GIVE a help for someone who has problems…
When we asked God to Love us anymore
Or we wanna be loved by our friends…
We forget to love them
When we asked Allah to give us the Best..
We forget to try the best…
Not just for ourselves..
For everyone around us…

It was because
We just focused for ourselves
Without realize…
That we cant life alone…

We need others

We always try to maximize our potention….
As we can do…

It makes us…
Be someone who didn’t care around us…
It means
We are become ARROGANT people…

If we feel alone and no friends ready to listen us..
Have we asked ourselves?
Are we ready to be a best friend for them?
Who ready to hear their complain
To always be in her side?
Or may be…
We just be egoist..
Become a person.. Who wanna be understood by others
But we didn’t understand them…

It is About GIVING

To our friends,
or my be…
for our parents…
WE always SCREAM
I love You my friends…
I love you my Parents..
I love you all…

It just nonsense….
B’coz we just ASKING

Look at that Pictures..
pictures of us
Who the name will be wrote in inking of history
Always keep our dreams in our mind…
There are big passion to be better there..
There are always hope..

We have to be Humble person,
Don’t be Arrogant…
And the most important in doing our lives…
GIVE our Love and Care to everyone….
Whatever His and Her background is..

They will be Love Us more than we can imagine…

Try to GIVING… anything…
B’coz Someone Who GIVING, it means that She/He has it.
If you giving your love..
It means…
You Have LOVE

Even I am not in your side everytime..
I always ready to hear your problems…
don’t worry
Although, I cant give the solutions..
I think, I can be a listener…
To hear your problems..
Because I realize..
We need to be listened..

Allah will Give Us The Best if we Try hard to Give the best
For All…
Our family.
Our Friends..

I trust You…
As I trust Myself
So, Keep your smile…
N Your heart’smile too..
So… The world will be smile on you…
In love, cares…friendship…and everything
Sister, … I’LL be There For You..
And for everyone…
Who need to be listened…
I’ll always be there for you…


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SAYA dan EWB (Education Without Border) 2011 - Dubai d Abu Dhabi - UAE 27-31 March 2011