Dear Mate,

It's time to share.

As I did yesterday, went to the Computer room, listened to the songs from Maher Zein, of course with different titles. One of them was JUST ONE BIG FAMILY.

you can listen it too, HERE ^^


This song relate to the EQUALITY among human being.
we hold EGALITARIAN view and believe that everybody should be treated equally.

My teacher, Angela,  has already explained about this in our class room.
Whatever the background is, everyone can be our friend. 

And, do you know what?

I want to write about my wonderful story. 
It was a time when I was so far away from my beloved country, Indonesia.
In a beautiful morning, I joined the CS3 class in  CTCL building. First time I entered the room, a dark skin man with a short black hair greeted me "Assalamualaikum, Sister." with little smile on his face.

I was shocked, "wow, it is in a non muslim country, but a man greet me with "ASSALAMUALAIKUM"? I cann't believe it. He also called me SISTER.. Wow... " I said to myself and finally answered his greeting.
"Waalaikumsalam,... hmm Brother..." I smiled then.

 Ahmed is behind a yellow t-shirt man. ^_^

When the class ended,

He came to me and said " Sister, my name is AHMED, I am a Muslim from Senegal. I greeted you because you wear a Vail, it means you are Muslim, doesn't it?

"Yes" I said. I was impressed by his astute comments
From that day, he introduced me to some Muslim people there, also he showed me where the Islamic center was. He is a good friend of mine.

Everyone who is a Muslim, always greet me "Assalamualaikum" (because of my Identity = my veil).

the most awesome one was a time when they called me "SISTER". ^_^ It seemed that we were a FAMILY ^^.
 I was happy over the moon. reallllyyy ^o^

It was in a country where Muslims are a minority, but I felt like I was home.

the picture is from my previous writing HERE ^^


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SAYA dan EWB (Education Without Border) 2011 - Dubai d Abu Dhabi - UAE 27-31 March 2011