Dear mates, 

I arrived in Adelaide on Thursday. There were three wonderful people who were welcoming me, mbak Atik, Mbak Eka and the representative of my Uni. 

They delivered me to Pasadena. A place where my temporary accommodation is located. 
Our car was parked outside a modest, beautiful and fresh apartment. Suddenly, a woman came out from this building and gave her best smile to me. She is mbak Yanti. A moeslim woman who offered me a temporary accommodation with her family.

She is taking a master of disability for children and lives in this apartment with her husband and her two children, Safa and Dafa. 

In my first day of staying there, I just talked to Safa and Dafa for a while. I have a little discussion forum at night with mb Yanti and her husband, just to introduce myself and consider them as "my new SHORT family" since I am going to live there only for the next few days until I get my permanent accommodation. Honestly, I love living there, yeah.. for some reasons: 1. they are moslem and very welcome to me. 2. in my second day of living there, I played with Safa and Dafa, and both of these cute children helped me relax... they act as my new little sister and little brother. it seems that I am really-really their new Big sister.. 3. their house is situated in a strategic location. Foodland, a super market to illustrate this point, is very near from this house.
Pasadena Mall
I can go there on foot in five minutes. I already proved it. Yesterday, in an unidentified morning, I go walking by myself (to the north until "cemetary area" and to the South "up to three junction-section"). 
cemetary area
4. there is a public park in front of this house. I went there with dek Safa. only both of us. 


and do you know what? we enjoyed playing there together. hmmm.. Fantastic, right. 3. in my third day of living there, this family asked my to "sunday market" - a weekly market where cheaper and second hand products were sold. I bought a coat winter (7$ = Rp 70.000,-) not really expensive I think. Although it is second hand, it is good and doubled function. I can wear the outside or inside the jacket as well. I also bought many Fruit. Do you know that fruit in Adelaide is very very cheap. Mbak yanti said that Adelaide is central area which produced many fruit. hmmm.. Lovely.. ^_^ . After that, they delivered me to the Marion Mall. To buy their weekly stock of food and to introduced me of how is the Marion Mall and how to select halal goods such as biscuit, coffee. They emphasized that I need to be very selective in choosing biscuits/ bread/ other as we know that this is non muslim country. Cool.. Ok. Furthermore, This family also delivered me to "toko Kita". a mini market where "halal food" is sold. We can buy meat, Indonesian food and other halal brand products. What a superb place!. 

However, I need to move to other house which is near my campus so that I can go to the campus on foot. If I am living with Mb Yanti's family, I need to take a bus to my Uni. To be honest with you, I want to go to my Uni on foot sometimes, If I am staying here, I cannot do this. 
Frankly, I enjoyed living in Mbak Yanti' house, but since I could not go to the campus on foot, I need to move. I just want to be healthy and thrifty. I hope I will find a welcome family like them in my "permanent accomodation" later on. Amin ya Allah.

Huah.. tomorrow, I need to go to the Uni at 10.00 a.m (subuh prayer time is at 6.00 ), so to be continued yaaa.. ^_^


  1. udah sampai Australia In.. Semangat.... Sukses ya...

    1. alhamdulillah mb Rina, do'anya ya mbak..salam untuk semua keluarga Jikom ya mbak.. saya rindu sekali kekeluargaannya :)


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SAYA dan EWB (Education Without Border) 2011 - Dubai d Abu Dhabi - UAE 27-31 March 2011