Dear all,

Sometimes, I spend my times to sit down on floors at the terrace. 

That afternoon.

I felt bored in  my bedroom, so I went outside. 
I saw bu Rai and bu Agung were so busy collecting so many flowers under the trees, I thought they were going to threw it away, but they did not.

Yeah, Matesss... there are are three of Kamboja flower Trees in front of my lodging house. the color of the flowers are white with little  yellow color inside...

Because of my curiosity, I asked bu Rai about what were they going to do with the flowers.

picture is from here :

"Will you throw it away Mom? " I asked.
"No.. dear.. don't you know..?" Bu Rai said.
"What mom?" Me.
" What do you think? .. everyday we climb the tree and collect the flowers...we will sell these." she said pointing a groups of flowers she already collected. She smiled.
 "What? do you sell them mom? what for?" I felt curious.
"It costs 70.000 kg per kilos dear." Bu Agung.
"Wow.. reallyyy? how come?" I was so surprised at that time. Every morning Bu Rai and Bu Agung collect those flowers, and they sell them? Unbelievable. 
"Rp 70.000/ kg is for the yellow one, while  the red flowers costs more." Bu Rai.
"Do you have the red one mom?" I asked as I knew that there were no red flowers so far.
"Yes, we have the tree... but, because it has been planted some days ago.. the flowers of that tree only bloom once, and they were not many, only some. "
"To whom do you sell those flowers mom?"
" Well, we do not sell them actually... but people who want to buy it always come here. Hotel employees come here to take and buy the fresh flowers. They use it as air fresheners in the hotel, spa and so on,

 picture is from here.

whereas some other people..emm businessman and businesswomen order the dry one because they need to process them as fragrance or cosmetics ingredients... hmm they also export them overseas , to Japan, Korea etc. " Bu Agung said.
"Wow.. awesome." I said.
"Yes... Now, the existence of this flower is increasingly rare, so the price getting higher." she said.
"Nice.. ."

NB: wow, can you all imagine? how much money they get for a month? only for selling these flowers? they sell them every 2 or 3 days (1 Kg)- only from tree trees in front of their house. :D wonderfulll.

and then I took some pictures of that flowers. unfortunately, there was some problem with my HP MMC card, so U cannot copy the pictures. :(

Dear mate, I am so sorry for providing you all pictures I got from the internet. :( maybe one day I will upload the photos.

Dear alllll... these are the real pictures of the flowers..


  1. Indri bunga kamboja yang ada di gambar ternyata kita memilih dengan bunga yang sama, seperti yang ku buat untuk background ucapan buat bapakku memperingati 40 hari. Kita ternyata sehati ..... baru sehari kemarin aku menyelesaikannya.

  2. Dear Mbak Rin ..

    Innalillahi Wa inna ilaihi Raa Ji'un. Semoga Arwah beliau senantiasa mendapatkan tempat terbaik di sisi Allah ya Mb. Aminn.

    Iya ya Mbak Rin,, Hati kita sedang bertelepati. beginilah kalau memang saudara saling memiliki ikatan batin. :D

    Miss You so muchhh mbak :)

    Semoga bisa dipertemukan oleh di Allah di waktu yang penuh barakah. Aminn.

  3. mbak Indri.....saya minta ijin untuk menggunakan gambar bunga kamboja di blog anda sebagai salah satu gambar header di blog teman saya. Kabari kalau berkenan yah.


    Rendy Fudoh

    1. Dear Rendy, silakan saja dipakai... kalau untuk dua gambar paling atas itu sy dapat dr alamat Web lain. sesuai dengan alamat yg saya cantumkan di bawah masing2 gambar.\

      Untuk gmbar2 di bawahnya.. itu baru photo Hp pribadi saya. trimakasih.


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