Dear All,

It was A Wonderful Saturday Afternoon,

As usual, I stayed in the Resource Center (RC), reading the IELTS books and writing my blog.

I met mb IIn, my new friend here at I/A/L/F who is taking English For Academic Purpose Course. She works as a civil servant at KEMENRISTEK (Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi)/ Technology and Research Ministry.

Yuhuu, I am over the moon--> since in my class there are only two beautiful Women, Bu Risa and I, so I was so happy when I knew that there are eleven wonderful girls coming here. At least I'll have women friendss, and yeahhh.. it is true!! In short time, I knew them one by one, Mb Iin, Mbak Tia, Mb Asih, Mb Asti, Mb Linda and otherss...

As we already knew each other, we planned to go somewhere for fun.

In that fantastic afternoon, Some of them planned of going to Kuta beach for attending the Commemorate Parade of Bombs bali aftermath.. hmm.. frankly, the time for this event already finished on Friday, a day before, but We heard that this festival would end on Sunday, at least we still have time og enjoying the last festival there.

Tarararattt.. rarattttt...

Then, the journey began.

Mbak2 KEMENRISTEK and I were ready of going there after RC' closing time, or about 4 pm.
Yeah, All of them already got motorcycle, while mbak Iin and I (who were going there together using a motorcycle), had not got it. we tried to rent it in the rental motorbike near I/A/L/F, but nothing. Someone already booked the motor.

yeah.. We did not want to surrender, consequently, we asked Security member of IALF, hoping that there would be someone who was available of borrowing his motorcycle for us. Luckily, we got it. Therefore, we could go to Kuta Beach festival.. Horeee. :D

Yeah, In Kuta, we parked our motorbikes in the car-park of Kuta Mall since we needed to meet with mbak Asti and her friend first.

So, Mb Iin and I took some pictures in Handicrafts shop in the mall..

I wore Mask, meanwhile mb Iin played with handmade propellers.

After that, we went to the festival on foot as the location of the festival is in a short-distance, approximately 20 minutes by walking.

After our long journey on foot :P, finally we were in the parade.. How happy we were ^_^

In our opinion, it was only usual festival, nothing special, maybe because some performance had already been showed yesterday, so... we just took pictures in the edge of the beach, sunset time.. It was lovely..

In the end, at maghrib time, we were looking for halal food / halal restoran to had dinner. Aaaa... at that time, mbak Iin also fasting. sooo it is a must of finding the restaurant.

Taraaattt.. We got it... In.. TIIITTT Restaurant.

Last but not least, after finishing our dinner, we went home,
and we got lost in Jl. ----- (Forgot the name). Thank to Google maps, since mb Iin activated it, we could go home safely.. :P

UBUD, we are cominggggg (beautiful driver and Compas-er)



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SAYA dan EWB (Education Without Border) 2011 - Dubai d Abu Dhabi - UAE 27-31 March 2011